Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Link 'n Run: Gay Marriage

There is of course much more that I could and should say on this subject, but dammit, I just don't have time and I missed my best opportunity when all the San Francisco weddings were going on anyway. While I realize that link-n-run posts aren't really good form on a personal blog, I just had to share the two very best posts I've seen elsewhere on the subject which have just recently come to my attention. Neither are long and both are worth your time:

If you like words

If you like pictures

Friday, March 19, 2004

Go Get 'Em, Killer!

Now that I've had a little time to get used to the idea of John Kerry being the candidate I'm gonna have to support if I want to get rid of George W. Bush ? and lord knows, I want to get rid of George W. Bush ? I'm trying to warm up to the guy a bit. To help the warming-up process along a little, I thought I'd give my new candidate a nickname. You know how it was kind of cute to call Howard Dean "Hoho" and say stuff like "The Doctor is in!," etc. But what to call ol' Johnnycakes...

Fortunately, thanks to that Dern Lib'ral Media and the completely non-existent Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (TM), I've got an idea!

First there we found out that Johnny O'Kerry wasn't really an Irishman like he (never) claimed to be, but was in fact a big ol' jewy jew.

Then there was this from Brian Sullivan, who has rather recently developed a dislike for Kerry for not singlehandedly predicting the 9/11 attacks and stopping the hijackers at Logan Airport:

"He just did the Pontius Pilate thing and passed the buck" on back through the federal bureaucracy, said Brian Sullivan, a retired FAA special agent from the Boston area who in May 2001 personally warned Kerry that Logan was ripe for a "jihad" suicide operation possibly involving "a coordinated attack."

So you see, he's a jew and he's Pontius Pilate, all in one. Now, thanks to a little helpful dot-connecting from Mel "Intestines-on-a-stick" Gibson, I think you can see where this is going.

John Kerry killed Jesus.

John Kerry, Jesus Killer. It's perfect, see? Even the initials are the same. Yeah, I know they're trying to work the John Kennedy connection by calling him "JFK" all the time, but I think we all know what that 'F' really stands for...

Monday, March 08, 2004


Rats — they bite, the little darlin's.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'll take one order of "brains of the living," please.

I've been joking for a while now that I'd vote for a dead body before I'd vote for Bush. I guess now I'll actually have that option.