Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Know what I hate? I hate it when it's wickit cold out, so you wear lotsa layers to stay warm, and then you finally get inside for the night and you start to take the layers off, and you got a couple 'a layers tucked in, and you go to de-tuck to let some of that waistline pressure loose cuz you're home and it's Miller-time and all, and really you could even just take your pants clean off if you wanted to but you don't, and so you grab a handfull of shirt and give it a good yank to de-tuck and loosen things up, only that wasn't all shirt cuz some of it was your drawers, and when you gave that good yank, you gave yourself a big ol' wedgie.


That's what I hate.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Today Might Be the Day

... that I became a for-real New Yorker. Know why? Because today, when I got on the subway, and it was crowded, but there was room in the middle if only people would just move a little bit and make way for people getting on the train, only they never do, they just stand there as if there weren't more people trying to get on the train... I just pushed. I didn't say "excuse me," I didn't give any apologetic looks, and I didn't even look to see if there was a clear route into an open space like I usually do. I just saw these people standing in my way like the cattle we all are on the subway, and I walked right into them and kept walking until I could fit in the train, even if it meant pushing little old ladies and mothers with strollers out of my damned way.

And I didn't feel one spot of guilt about it for the rest of the ride.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Valentine's Remainders

Overheard recently, as I passed a very slow-moving, very elderly couple on the sidewalk:

Gent, tenderly: "Dear, I love you." (puts arm around companion)
Lady, firmly: "Good."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

This is Now a Photoblog

I see this every day on my way to work. As do all the commuters heading south on the BQE (which I was standing under to take this picture) toward the Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Brooklyn bridges into Manhattan. Heh.