Monday, May 17, 2004

Everyone's Doin' the Relaunch!

Blogger has relaunched (which is presently causing me no end of confusion), The Robot has relaunched (which I suspect is related to some nosy little robots), and around here, Mother Nature has certainly relaunched (Fiddleheads! Yay! Flowers! Yay! Seminude undergrads! Yay!). Obviously, the time is now for a relaunch of my anemic little blogging effort. (As I believe I said something about a New Year's Resolution a while back, I'd like to point out that we're not yet through the halfway mark of the year. It seems like that should count on my side, for some reason.)

So here's to a renewed promise of plenty of nothingness from the life of yours truly. Much bloggy goodness to follow. In the spirit of renewal, I'd like to congratulate all of the happy couples in Massachussetts who are launching Relationship 2.0 today, and offer this from the man who could have been our president, if only we were good enough to deserve him.

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