Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Impulse Control

As of yesterday, the L train was continuing its uninterrupted week+ record of consecutive days with delays. I was blessed on Sunday when I just missed getting onto a packed train... which ended up getting stuck in the tunnel for 15 minutes or so. Never been so happy to miss a train, because there's nothing more miserable than being packed onto a
stopped crowded train, having no idea how long you're going to be standing there.

With all the development in Williamsburg, it's only going to get worse, and I see potential for daily commute-catastrophes when you squish grumpy, insufficiently caffeinated people together like that on a regular basis. Why, just yesterday, riding in on the usual sardine-a-palooza, I was forced to stare at the crown of this short guy's head for the whole ride, and he had this one, thick, grey hair sticking almost straight up, all by itself. My hand was already moving, and my fingers already formed into a pinch gesture before I realized and stopped myself from plucking the little rogue right out. That could have been ugly.

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