Hm, I keep reading all these things about how great MarsEdit is for blog editing, but in my first session with the trial download, I can't get prettymuch anything to work. Won't talk to the blog, won't save the draft. Could be cockpit trouble, I suppose. Maybe I should try again after I've made the switch (sigh) to Leopard. Then again, I also hear that Coda is supposed to be teh hotness for web-everythinging, and it does more stuff, so maybe I should give that a try. And you know, this post is going to be interesting to exactly no-one who ever reads this blog. In fact, it isn't even interesting for me.
Update, 4/1/08 (and no, this is not an April Fool's): Tried MarsEdit again on my fancy, new, Leopard-runnin' Sex Machine. Sucks even worse. Ate a very long post without warning. Off the island, MarsEdit!
I was looking at MarsEdit. It's good to know I should wait!
Well, I don't know if you should wait on my account. I hear only good things about it, and I'm not sure that cockpit trouble isn't the most likely problem. I'ma try it again now that I've got Teh Sex Machine, and running Leopard. Although, Coda certainly looks nice, and Journler plays nicely with various blogging formats, and is nice for many other purposes as well.
Will report back.
Sorry to hear about your first experience not going so well. I didn't notice this post earlier or I would have chimed in. But I would like to say that the problems you're describing don't sound very typical.
If you're still interested in getting things working and figuring out what's going wrong here, please don't hesitate to drop me a line and I'll help troubleshoot.
Daniel Jalkut
Red Sweater Software
By the way, it might be way too late to be much help, but MarsEdit has a feature designed to prevent losing posts even when something very weird happens while talking to the server. If you look in this directory:
[Home] -> Library -> Application Support -> MarsEdit -> Backups
You might find the plain text contents of your post that was lost.
daniel, just noticed your responses, very kind of you. As I said above, there's a good chance the problem was entirely between my ears.
wish I'd known about the backups, and I might have, if I'd bothered to read any of the documentation.
And now, because I feel like a tool for publicly griping about your product, I'd like to encourage everyone to support independent development for Mac OS.
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