Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Internet Movie Dumbass Bonanza

As we all know, there are a handful of websites that have become basic internet tools for anyone who spends much time online: Google, Mapquest, and so forth.

If you're a movie fan, there's IMDB, the Internet Movie DataBase. I probably visit at least once a week. Where have I seen that actor before? Damn, that was a good movie - what else has that guy directed? That sort of thing. It's an excellent resource, and the more I've started to explore older and foreign films, the more I rely on it to gain some context for what I've just seen, or am considering seeing.

That's why it's such a disappointment that the forums on IMDB are filled with the biggest bunch of booger-eating morons I've ever seen. You'd think the message boards for the biggest movie-themed website out there would be crowded with tiresome art school cineastes waxing ironic, right? I wish. From what I can tell, they're full, instead, of thirteen year old wankers who expect all movies to conform to the standard of television. There is scarcely one word of considered criticism, either positive or negative, that I've seen there, and reviewers and commenters alike appear to be people who haven't actually seen very many movies. The overriding sentiment is either confusion over some obvious plot development or anger that the movie in question is not identical to some other movie the commenter liked.

When I started this post, I had big plans to surf on over and cut n' paste some examples of forum crapitude from the IMDB boards, so we could all have a chuckle but frankly, I just can't do it. I cannot read through that idiocy looking for especially retarded comments because they're all retarded, and I become retardeder by the second as I read them. The best I can offer is to recreate the flavor of IMDB from my tormented memory:

hey guys can anybod tell me who that cute guy was who plaid the brother i think he was gr8t!!!

this movie totally sucked it was just like pulp fixion only pulp fixion was better

Taranteeno sux!!!

no YOU SUck you obviously dont know anything about directign this movie totally stold everything from tarnatino and you cant say anythign intellient about the movie so your just attacking me bc you dont have anything to say

hi everyone can u tell me where getting this movie i am in norway and play area 2 DVD

dude u need to move to a real country

And so forth.
Can it really be true that there isn't a mainstream internet forum where mentally competent adults go to discuss the cinemar?

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