Saturday, July 30, 2005

Strangest thing seen/heard today, but not really that strange

Sometimes the mildly strange is strange enough.

1) I'm working late tonight and just came in from getting some fresh air. The security guard at the hospital entrance was not one of the guys I'm used to seeing during the day. He was, in fact, a strikingly handsome, middle-aged guy. I'm talking head-snapping, movie star looks, but also definitely well into his 40's, with that thick, middle-aged guy build and a bit of salt in his pepper. Why is this weird, you ask? I dunno, it's just that given the elements "security guard," "really handsome," and "middle-aged," I can imagine an intersection of any two of those, but not all three. He nodded to me as I walked by. Just like they all do.

2) At the coffee shop, I overheard two guys having a lengthy and detailed discussion of strategies for dealing with traffic in... the San Francisco Bay Area. There was a weird moment of mental dissonance as the words "Dunbarton bridge" and "880 South" filtered into my consciousness. The two coastal chapters of my life are rather separate in time and thus in my thoughts, but I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise that there are other people in the world who've lived in both San Francisco and New York.

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