Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Best Thing Seen Today

Stairs are usually the big bottleneck getting in and out of the subway, and you
always want to avoid getting behind wobbly old people or ladies with strollers
going up the stairs. Mothers trying to get strollers up the stairs by
themselves, especially, are a major traffic blocker, and sometimes you'll see
strangers help out by grabbing one end of the stroller while the mother takes
the other, and they ascend the stairs together. So today I'm getting off the L and
realize that I've gotten behind this petite, young latina mother with a
stroller, and just as I'm about to try to worm around and pass her, she grabs
the stroller in both hands, lifts it way up, nearly sideways, and bolts up the
stairs, taking two at a time. It wasn't a small kid, either -- at
least two years old, a toddler. I was impressed, let me tell you.

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